1-855-MTELUSA (683-5872)


When it comes to Telecom Services, MasterTel USA has the most extensive telecommunications offering anywhere. As you explore our telecom services section and reach out to our telecom consulting team, you will soon learn how detailed and knowledgeable our team is and the benefit that MasterTel USA can offer you.


This is an area that's overlooked by many companies …that being the value of an outsourced professional team to manage all of your telecommunications spend rather than having in house resources use up much of their valuable time to deal with MACDs, to facilitate Trouble Tickets, to managing contract renewals, etc.. MasterTel USA offers a unique hands-on approach in fulfilling this need for our clients. We employ and utilize "live" personnel (not software programs) that each have multiple years of experience working for the major providers. With all the providers in our portfolio, our Help Desk Team knows the various telecom provider's inner workings and key personnel more than most so that they can accomplish tasks quickly and effectively. They communicate to our clients by phone and email and provide reports to your management team. For all practical purposes they become a valuable extension of your telecom department just as if they were on your premises, only with better connections with the providers and more tools at their disposal. This offering results not only in cost savings for our clients but provides improvements in many other areas as well. Learn more…


MasterTel USA consults with and helps our clients design networks for expansion, upgrades, back up, and moves. We then obtain the best pricing on the market. What sets us apart is that MasterTel USA is in a unique position to help our clients better than most. The reason is multi--fold: 1. We have more buying power, 2. We have more providers to work with than any customer could deal with on their own, and 3. We have strong carrier relationships (and in some cases direct gooey interfaces) with over 200+ voice and data network providers we work with each day (from Tier 1 providers, to international providers, to regional providers, to niche service providers, etc..). Our telecom consulting team has helped many Fortune 500 clients procure their network needs and still continue to do so today. For do-it-yourself customers, we've provided an Instant Quoting tool with 35+ participating providers. Learn more…


MasterTel USA helps our customers by providing RFP services and negotiating contracts with the providers. We work with all the major wireless providers and many resellers and niche providers so that we can offer our clients the best solutions. In addition, we offer Wireless TEM, Wireless Help Desk Services, Mobile Device Management, Apple Product Repair Services, and much more. Learn more…


The cost of audio conferencing has come down considerably in the last 10 years along with the cost of long distance rates. For small or large conferences audio conferencing is used by many business to train employees, for investor calls, for sales webinars, etc.. For most businesses, quality audio and web conferencing is now a service, rather than an equipment expenditure. MasterTel USA works with all the top conferencing providers in the world to facilitate our customers' needs. Learn more…


Video Conferencing is becoming more and more important as Remote Workforces grow and the cost of travel continues to climb. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons for it's growth are that face to face meetings (even with thousands of miles between parties), is more effective than traditional telephony conversations. It forces people to pay attention and participate when they are being viewed on a call. The most recent technologies however, do not require costly video conference infrastructure investments in order to take advantage of HD quality video service. MasterTel USA has many solutions to fit the needs of any size business. Learn more…


MasterTel USA helps our clients find the right equipment to fulfill their particular organizational needs. With the influx of Cloud Based providers, it's difficult for customers to determine whether premise based or cloud based phone systems will best support their needs. At MasterTel USA, we try to put it all into the proper perspective and offer you the solutions that make sense. We then negotiate the best rates and then provide procurement and deployment services for Enterprise Customers with Nationwide & International needs as well as well as phone system sales and installation management to our small and medium sized customers. How do we do it? We do it with a nationwide vendor network at our disposal. Because we are non-bias consultants that broker and provide RFP services from all manufacturers, all makes and models, we can successfully design the best solution at the best prices for our clients, then manage the installation process and provide ongoing 3rd party support. Learn more…

SOHO (Small Office / Home Office) & RESIDENTIAL OFFERINGS

Although MasterTel USA focuses it's resources on the Enterprise and SMB Markets, MasterTel USA has put together some of the best offerings for the small home based businesses to partake in. Most of the products and services for this group are available for purchase directly via this website via the ordering links or via our APPX Store.. Learn more…

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