Do you take credit cards? How often have we heard that question from customers! The fact is today's consumer is more likely to use a credit card than a check or cash. The higher the cost of an item the more likely your customers are to use credit cards. Studies have shown that those customers who use credit cards tend to spend more.
The decision to accept credit cards is an easy business decision. However, choosing the right piece of equipment for your in-store or mobile device, with the right features for your needs, isn't always as easy. The market provides an array of options. Questions, such as, do you need a PIN pad to accept Debit cards, do you need a built-in receipt printer, should it be wireless and even what type of reporting features will it provide, need careful consideration.
A critical consideration in selecting your credit card processing equipment should be the security of your data and transactions.
Other considerations include the service provider's contractual provisions, whether to buy or lease the equipment, is new or used equipment best for your needs, and if you will need wireless access. Often the cost of leasing will exceed the cost of purchasing and many processors now provide no or low-cost equipment. Used equipment may be simply buying someone else's troubles. Merchant Pro USA will help you understand your options so you can make the appropriate decision.
The time and effort you invest up front to make good decisions about your payment processing equipment will create the cost effective solutions your business needs to best serve your customers while growing your business for years to come.