1-855-MTELUSA (683-5872)

Who needs our services


MasterTel USA’s technology consulting services impact and benefit all levels of management and support departments throughout an organization’s hierarchy.  When designing solutions, we help fulfill primary objectives of each of our customer’s crucial roles and their support structure…

CEO  -  Our focus is to help you implement the right technology solutions that will enable you to achieve a strategic business advantage in line with your overall company vision and goals.

CFO  -  Our focus is to help you implement the right technology solutions that reduced Total Cost of Ownership and avoid dead money expenses.

CIO  -  Our goal is to help you implement the right technology that will free your staff from mundane tasks and enable you to refocus your IT staff on strategic money making priorities.

COO -  Our goal is to help you implement the right technology that will improve business processes within your organization.

I.T. DIRECTOR –  Our goal is to help you implement the right technology that supports company goals and initiatives, eliminating headache areas in your department, and providing an additional level of support that you can turn to.  

I.T. / TELECOM MANAGER  - Our goal is to help you implement the right technology that will help you manage the high demands of your job, offload mundane tasks that will free you to do more productive work, and provide another level of support with industry vets that you currently don’t have today.

OUTSOURCED I.T. CONSULTANTS / MANAGED SERVICE PROVIDERS  –  Our goal is to help you implement the right technology solutions to make it easier for you to manage your customer’s needs and offer solutions you may not otherwise have at your disposal. We welcome the opportunity to sit on your side of the table in offering top level solutions to your clients.  

Other Benefiting Parties…

START UP ORGANIZATIONS  - Our goal is to implement the right technology at the right price, that can scale as you grow, and that will help you compete with the largest firms in your industry.

REMOTE WORKERS - Our goal is to implement the right technology to help you become more productive period…anywhere, anytime.
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